The structure of the house remained as it always was. The infrastructure was changed and the roof replaced for greater thermal comfort. The bakery, which is now closed for almost fifty years, is today a comfortable living room with walls of schist, a recreational and convivial space. The oven was kept as a fireplace but it is still possible to make bread. On the first floor, five of the six rooms have private bathrooms. Another living room, quieter, with luminous windows to the courtyards, invites us to reading. The upstairs patio is covered by vines until wintertime and its shadow invites us to stay. It leads to the pine forest and the fruit trees, one of which is a huge fig tree that provides shade all year round and figs in July.
On hot days the small tank on the courtyard is ideal to refresh.
The lower courtyard, more intimate, marked by the fountain and a cypress, gives access to the road and the village of Barroca, on the right bank of the River Zêzere, which source is nearby in the mountains of Serra da Estrela.
Location Estrada Nacional 238 Barroca, Fundão; Portugal
Project 2012
Construction 2014-2015
Client Private
Gross Floor Area 970 m2
Architecture José Adrião – Principal
Stage 1
Ricardo Aboim Inglez – Project Manager
Carla Gonçalves, João Albuquerque Matos, Margarida Lameiro, Tiago Pereira
Stage 2
Carla Gonçalves- Project Manager
Hugo Santos Silva, João Albuquerque Matos, Margarida Lameiro, Ricardo Aboim Inglez, Tiago Pereira
Structural Engineer Ara – Alves Rodrigues e Associados
Fernando Rodrigues, Maria Pereira
Services Engineer Acribia
General ConstructionVelho Como Novo
Photography Hugo Santos Silva